1. Mat Taib.
The subject is easy (start with easy subject!) because he has a face chockful of features, craggy, lines, eyebags, prominent eyelids and thick lips.
2. Ahmad Shabery Cheek.
This must be every caricaturist's dream subject, with his prominet lips, slitty eyes and an overflowing smile!
3. Ong Ka Ting
This subject is fair game too with his prominet lower jaw and typical oriental eyes, a great help to caricature is the subject hair style, besides the shape of his face. Hair style always make or break the likeliness of a caricature, fortunately Ong has a unique hair style that is easy to capture.
4. Shahrir
Another subject with plenty of prominent features. Top being his thick lips and the shock of white hairs, longish face.
5. Teresa Kok
This is a tricky subject. I find trying to caricature women more challenging than men and I think most caricaturists think so too. Maybe its the gender thing, me being a man? Ever wonder why there are few female artists and practically NO famous artists the like of van Gogh, Picasso et al? Anyway, Teresa's features are more subtle even though she has a "remarkable" face, and in this case, I am trying to capture the "essence" of her character, not the likeliness. Sometimes if you draw a caricature following the subject's features, you end up with a grotesquely different person.
6. Chua Jui Meng
Doing caricature in colours present another set of challenge, that is highlighting and shadowing facial nooks and corners and protruding features. Caricatures with colour tend to make the subject more lively and a better perception its 3-dimensions. In this case Chua has a unique hairstyle and prominent moustache (often a caricaturist's lifeline),and a craggy lined face.
Great Caricatures!
Wow! You have a hidden talent James!
Let's see you do some cartoons - please!
Indeed great hidden talent from one regular guy, some one you bump into in any coffee shop daily without realizing he possesses so much more than he cares to portray. Well done and bravo to you James
Hello, you are indeed a talented drawer, care for a job? Im working in Berjaya Times Square btw. For more details, email me at syedhussain@timessquarekl.com. Thanks!
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